An Indo-French School on Abstract Interpretation

Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Research, Bangalore

8 Feb--17 Feb 1997

Course Director: Patrick Cousot, \'Ecole Normal Sup\'erieure, Paris


Abstract Interpretation is a theory for formally constructing conservative approximations of the semantics of programming languages. In practice, it is used for constructing semantics-based analysis algorithms for the automatic, static and conservative determination of dynamic properties of infinite-state programs. Such properties of the run-time behaviour of programs are useful for debugging (e.g., type inference), code optimization (e.g., run-time tests elimination), program transformation (e.g., partial evaluation, parallelization) and even program correctness proofs (e.g., termination proofs).

Topics to be covered

More details about the course contents can be found at For further details about how to register, please contact:

R K Shyamasundar

Theoretical Computer Science Group
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
Homi Bhabha Road
Colaba, Mumbai 400 005