
Workshop on Applied Formal Methods

Hyderabad, 14--17 December, 1996


Purpose of the Workshop

The field of formal methods includes the study of specification languages and logics and verification methods such as theorem proving and model checking. Formal methods are increasingly being applied to the core algorithms in safety critical systems and in the verification of hardware circuit designs. A workshop on Applied Formal Methods is being organized in Hyderabad, India, in December 1996. The goal of this workshop is to bring together several international experts in the U.S., India, and elsewhere with domain experts from Indian academia and industry. The workshop is aimed at promoting a healthy exchange between international formal method experts and domain experts in India.

The main motivation for the workshop is:

Workshop Topic.

Digital hardware and software systems pose serious engineering challenges. These systems are increasingly being used in safety-critical contexts where even small errors or modifications to these systems can have large consequences. The complexity of digital systems has clearly outpaced the ability of existing design methods. This is evident in the rising anecdotal evidence of important failures resulting from software or hardware bugs: the Intel FDIV error, the crash of the AT\&T switching network, the fatal over-radiation problem with the Therac-25, among many others. Formal methods provides a scientific foundation for the development of digital systems by way of specification languages and logics, formal design methodologies, and mechanized analytical tool support. Formal methods technologies have only recently begun to demonstrate the maturity needed for significant industrial application. There are now several very capable tools and methodologies that have been successfully field-tested on large-scale applications of processor designs and safety-critical algorithms.

The international workshop on Applied Formal Methods is being organized be held at Hyderabad, India, in December 1996, in conjunction with the international symposium on Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science (FST&TCS) sponsored by the Indian Association of Research in Computing Science. The workshop is being supported by NSF, USA.

Main Topics:

Confirmed Speakers

In addition, a couple of more speakers are expected.