Vijay Chandru and Somenath Biswas

John Rushby, Rohit Parikh and Arvind

Arun Pujari with a student volunteer

R K Shyamasundar presenting mementos from IARCS to Rohit Parikh

Vaughan Pratt

Alessandra Carbone

Manindra Agrawal, V Arvind and Somenath Biswas in the foreground while Arvind asks a question. Eric Allender is at the back, on the left.

Gerard Huet and R K Shyamasundar, with N Raja, Gilbert Ndjatou and Vaughan Pratt behind them

Alessandra Carbone and J Ian Munro

Pallab Dasgupta

N Prabhu

Sanjeev Kapoor

Kamal Lodaya chairs a talk by Richard Mayr

Deepak Kapur, Tobias Nipkow and Annette Schumann

S Arun Kumar, Kobei Honda and Munna at lunch