An important part of the formal registration of IARCS is the drafting of a constitution. Here is a preliminary draft of the IARCS constitution, written by Meena Mahajan (IMSc, Chennai). The draft was written in consultation with Madhavan Mukund (SMI, Chennai), V. Vinay (IISc, Bangalore), G. Sivakumar (IIT Bombay), Sanjiva Prasad (IIT Delhi) and Tamal Dey (IIT Kharagpur), as well as R.K. Shyamasundar (TIFR, Mumbai) and P.S. Thiagarajan (SMI, Chennai) from the IARCS Steering Committee.

Please send your comments on this draft to the Editor, IARCS Newsletter---the address is on the contents page of this issue. To expedite matters, please send in all comments by the end of April, 1998.


A Constitution for IARCS

A Preliminary Draft




There is

The General Assembly

The General Assembly meets once a year at FST&TCS. It ratifies the decisions taken by the Executive Council. Agenda is decided by the Council and posted by the Secretary; members may send agenda items to the Secretary a month or more before the General Assembly. Voting is by simple majority.

An Extraordinary General Assembly can be called by the Council, or by written request from at least 20% of the members, specifying what is to be discussed. The time and venue for the EGA will be fixed by the Council.

The quorum for the General Assembly is 10% of the membership, while the quorum for an Extraordinary General Assembly is 20\% of membership.

The General Assembly and Extraordinary General Assembly are presided over by the President, or in that order in case of absences by the Vice-President, or the Secretary, or any member of the Council nominated by the Council for this purpose.

Executive Council

The term of the Council is three years, from FST&TCS to FST&TCS.

The Executive Council meets at least once a year (at FST&TCS), and at other times as and when required for the discharge of its duties. Except for the FST\&TCS meeting, other meetings may also be conducted electronically through Internet Discussions.

Nominations to the Council should be sent to the Secretary of the existing Council in September/October of the year the term ends. Each nomination should be signed by two General Assembly members (proposed and seconded). A member may sign at most 2 different nominations. Nominations should be accompanied by signed written statements from nominated members saying they are willing to serve on the Council. Nominations without such statements stand invalid.

Based on the nominations received, the Council proposes the new Council to be ratified by the General Assembly.

The new Council elects its office-bearers. No individual may hold the President's post for more than two terms (consecutive or otherwise).


Individuals become members by paying the fees to the Treasurer. The Treasurer and Secretary maintain the current list of members. Membership is terminated by non-renewal, or by a letter of resignation to the Secretary.

Procedure for dissolution, changing the statutes, for changing the name and/or objectives

Any such move may only be decided by a vote consisting of at least two-thirds of the members present at the General Assembly, or if quorum is not present, by a postal referendum. A simple majority at the General Assembly can decide adhesion to another scientific body. On dissolution, the Council will dispose the balance of the assets of the IARCS to a scientific body.