INOI 2004, Solutions

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Question 1

Finding whether a path exists is straightforward. Start from the top left corner and, for each square, recursively explore all neighbours that are at most one unit higher or lower than the current square. A path exists provided this recursive exploration reaches the bottom right corner.

To identify a path, enhance the recursive search by recording the direction from which you came. For example, if your search takes you one square down, store the character 'u' at the new position to say that you reached this square from the up direction. In the end, you can follow the directions back from the bottom right square to reach the top left square.

Unfortunately, this provides the path that we wish to display in reverse. Rather than reversing the path, we can reverse the direction of exploration! Starting from the bottom right corner, we recursively explore all neighbours and see if we can reach the top left corner. Now, the directions that we accumulate along the way provide a path from the top left corner to the bottom right corner

Question 2

From the problem statement, it is clear that wrestlers who win more matches should be ahead in the queue to meet the Rajah. Thus, for N wrestlers, we can compute the outcome of all N(N-1) matches and record the number of matches won by each wrestler. If we sort this list in descending order based on the number of wins, we are done.

What if a group of wrestlers have the same number of wins? How should we arrange such a group in the queue? A little analysis shows that this cannot happen. If wrestler A beats wrestler B and wrestler B beats wrestler C, then A also beats C!

To see this, let sA, sB and sC denote the strengths of A, B and C and let rA, rB and rC denote the power of their rings, respectively. If A beat B, we know that sA + rA*sB > sB + rB*sA. If we collect the sA terms on the left and the sB terms on the right, we have sA(1-rB) > sB(1-rA), or sA/(1-rA) > sB/(1-rB).

Thus if A beats B and B beats C, we have sA/(1-rA) > sB/(1-rB) and sB/(1-rB) > sC/(1-rC). It is immediate that sA/(1-rA) > sC/(1-rC), so A beats C.

From this it follows that we can directly sort the wrestlers in descending order by the value s/(1-r), without computing the outcomes of all N(N-1) matches.

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