Indian National Olympiad in Informatics

Online Programming Contest, 5-6 March 2005


Basic Division

Problem 1: Base b Arithmetic, (K Narayan Kumar, CMI)

Traditionally numbers are written in base 10 ("decimal"). That is, every digit is a number between 0 and 9. We think of a number as its decimal representation. However, as you might know, numbers can be written in base b for any b > 0. In this case, every digit is a number between 0 and b-1. For instance in base 4 we may write 3312 or 30.

The value of a number written in base b is determined as follows: Suppose the given number in base b is dn-1 ... d0 where each di lies between 0 and b-1. This represents the number

d0 + d1 * b + d2 * b2 + ... + di * bi + ... + dn-1 * bn-1

We don't permit leading 0's in the representation. For instance, we cannot write 003312 or 03312 instead of 3312.

Given a number in decimal one can compute the base b representation by inverting the above computation.

It is easy to check that the base 4 representation 3312 denotes the decimal number 246 and the base 4 representation 30 denotes 12. Similarly, the base 12 representation 2 11 10 (where we use blank spaces to separate the digits) denotes the decimal number 430 while the base 12 representation 3 0 2 denotes the number 434.

You will be given b and the base b representation of two numbers A and B. Your task is to printout the base b representation of the product A ×B.

For example the product of the base 4 numbers 3312 and 30 written in base 4 is 232020. Similarly, the product of the base 12 numbers 2 11 10 and 3 0 2 written in base 12 is 8 11 11 11 8.

Input format

The first line of the input contains 3 integers b, N and M, where b is the base. N and M are the number of digits in the representation (in base b) of the two given numbers.

The second line contains N space separated integers DN-1  DN-2  ... D0 giving the base b representation of the first number and the third line contains M space separated integers EM-1  EM-2  ... E0 giving the base b representation of the second number.

Output format

The first line of the output should be a single integer L denoting the length of the base b representation of the product. The second line should contain L space separated integers giving the base b representation of the product.

Test data

You may assume that 1 ≤ N,M ≤ 1000.


We now illustrate input and output formats using the examples described above.

Sample input 1:

4 4 2
3 3 1 2
3 0

Sample output 1:

2 3 2 0 2 0

Sample input 2:

12 3 3 
2 11 10
3 0 2

Sample output 2:

8 11 11 11 8

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