Indian National Olympiad in Informatics

Online Programming Contest, 25-26 March 2006


Advanced Division

Problem 1: Equal Gifts, (R Shreevatsa, CMI)

It is Lavanya's birthday and several families have been invited for the birthday party. As is customary, all of them have brought gifts for Lavanya as well as her brother Nikhil. Since their friends are all of the erudite kind, everyone has brought a pair of books. Unfortunately, the gift givers did not clearly indicate which book in the pair is for Lavanya and which one is for Nikhil. Now it is up to their father to divide up these books between them.

He has decided that from each of these pairs, one book will go to Lavanya and one to Nikhil. Moreover, since Nikhil is quite a keen observer of the value of gifts, the books have to be divided in such a manner that the total value of the books for Lavanya is as close as possible to total value of the books for Nikhil. Since Lavanya and Nikhil are kids, no book that has been gifted will have a value higher than 300 Rupees.

Suppose there are 4 pairs of books whose cost in Rupees are:

(3,5), (7,11), (8,8), (2,9)

By giving the books worth 3,7,8 and 2 to Lavanya and the rest to Nikhil, the net difference in value would be 5+11+8+9-3-7-8-2 = 13. However, by giving books worth 3,7,8 and 9 to Lavanya and the rest to Nikhil, their father can ensure that the difference in values is just 1. You can verify that you cannot do better than this.

You task is to help their father decide how to divide the books.

Input format

The first line of the input contains a single integer N indicating the number of pairs of books that need to be divided between Lavanya and Nikhil. The next N lines, lines 2,3,…,N+1, each contain two integers indicating the costs of one pair of books.

Output format

A single integer indicating the smallest possible difference between the total value of books assigned to Lavanya and Nikhil.

Test Data:

You may assume that N ≤ 150 and that the cost of every book is in the range 1…300.


Here is the sample input and output corresponding to the example discussed above.

Sample Input

3 5
7 11
8 8
2 9

Sample Output


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