Indian National Olympiad in Informatics

Online Programming Contest, 14-15 January 2006


Basic Division

Problem 2: Well Matched Sequences, (K Narayan Kumar, CMI)

In this problem you will be given a word over the alphabet {a,b,...,z, A, B, ...,Z}. We will treat the capital letters {A,B,...,Z} as "brackets". These twenty-six letters form thirteen types of bracket pairs, (A,Z), (B,Y), ...(M,N). In each pair, the first element represents an opening bracket of that type and the second element is the closing bracket of that type. For example, a B opens a bracket which is closed by Y.

A well bracketed expression is one in which brackets are opened and closed consistently. In other words, all opening and closing brackets in the expression can be paired up such that every opening bracket has a matching closing bracket to its right. Moreover, if an opening bracket occurs between a matching pair of brackets, then its matching closing bracket also occurs within the same pair of brackets.

For example AabcZBBefYeY is a well bracketed expression. On the other hand AabcBZY is not well-bracketed, because the (B,Y) bracket opens inside the (A,Z) bracket, but closes outside. Similarly, AabcZZA is not well-bracketed as the second Z has no matching opening bracket to its left and the second A has no matching closing bracket to its right.

The lowercase letters {a,b,...,z} do not represent brackets and may appear anywhere in the input. Your task is to determine whether the given input string is well-bracketed.

Input format

The first line of the input consists of a single integer N indicating the number of letters in the input word. The second line contains N letters drawn from {a,b,...,z, A, B,...,Z}.

Output format

A single line with either a 1 indicating that the given word is well-bracketed or a 0 indicating it is not well-bracketed.

Test data

You may assume that N ≤ 1000000. You also assume that N ≤ 1000 in 50% of the inputs.

In this task marks will be assigned for groups of test inputs rather than to single test inputs. For example, one mark may be assigned a group of three test inputs. This means that to score that one mark your program must run currectly on all the three test inputs. Thus, guessing the answer or blindly printing 0 (or 1) is not likely to score many marks.


We now illustrate the input and output formats using the above example.

Sample input


Sample output


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