Indian National Olympiad in Informatics

Online Programming Contest, 15-16 July 2006


Basic Division

Problem 1: 0/1 Tiles, (K Narayan Kumar, CMI)

To help Lavanya learn all about binary numbers and binary sequences, her father has bought her a collection of square tiles, each of which has either a 0 or a 1 written on it. Her brother Nikhil has played a rather nasty prank. He has glued together pairs of tiles with 0 written on them. Lavanya now has square tiles with 1 on them and rectangular tiles with two 0's on them, made up of two square tiles with 0 stuck together). Thus, she can no longer make all possible binary sequences using these tiles.

To amuse herself, Lavanya has decided to pick a number N and try and construct as many binary sequences of length N as possible using her collection of tiles. For example if N = 1, she can only make the sequence 1. For N=2, she can make 11 and 00. For N=4, there are 5 possiblities: 0011, 0000, 1001, 1100 and 1111.

Lavanya would like you to write a program to compute the number of arrangements possible with N tiles so that she can verify that she has generated all of them. Since she cannot count beyond 15746, it is sufficient to report this number modulo 15746.

Input format

A single line with a single integer N.

Output format

A single integer indicating the number of binary sequences of length N, modulo 15746, that Lavanya can make using her tiles.

Test data

You may assume that N ≤ 1000000.


Here is a sample input and output corresponding to the example discussed above.

Sample input


Sample output


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